"Zaanektowany" system certyfikacji znajomości języka polskiego jako obcego – stan obecny
The "incorporated" certifi cation system for the command of Polish as a foreign language – the present situation

Iwona Janowska
2022 Poradnik Językowy  
Certification of the command of Polish as a foreign language is a phenomenon with an international reach and groundbreaking signifi cance for the promotion and enhancement of the prestige of the Polish language across the world. The certifi cation system for the Polish language was created in 2004 and, in the face of new challenges, reformed in 2015. At present, it is the primary instrument of the migration policy of Poland, which gives rise to diffi culties in its functioning. This paper is an
more » ... attempt at a comprehensive description of the phenomenon of state certifi cation examinations. It discusses the scientifi c and legal grounds for the examinations, amendments introduced over years to the legislation regulating certifi cation and their consequences, as well as describes and diagnoses the existing situation concerned with certifi cation of the command of Polish.
doi:10.33896/porj.2022.4.1 fatcat:soveiag5yzdkhah4dkhh7wny3y