Differential expression of IGF system components in proliferating vs. differentiating growth plate chondrocytes: the functional role of IGFBP-5

Daniela Kiepe, Sonia Ciarmatori, Anke Haarmann, Burkhard Tönshoff
2006 American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism  
Kiepe, Daniela, Sonia Ciarmatori, Anke Haarmann, and Burkhard Tönshoff. Differential expression of IGF system components in proliferating vs. differentiating growth plate chondrocytes: the functional role of IGFBP-5.
doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00363.2005 pmid:16204335 fatcat:tpuanre2ufabhnasjbmevbeaim