Effect of Wave Form of Power Source on Electrolytic Coloring of Titanium Using the Electrolytic Bath Containing Phosphoric Acid and Sulfuric Acid with Metallic Salts

Takashi ONAKA, Seisir^|^ocirc; IT^|^Ocirc;, Tetsuji FUJITA, Iiro SHIOKAWA
1992 Journal of the Japan Society of Colour Material  
Effect of the wave form of the power source on anodic oxidation (electrolytic coloring) of titanium using bath containing phcsphoric acid and sulfuric acid with aluminum sulfate, cobalt (10 sulfate, ferric sulfate, chromium (III) sulfate or nickel (Ii) sulfate was studied. As the wave forms of the power source, a complete flat wave and uncomplete rectified waves, such as single-phase half-wave, two-phase half-wave, three-phase half-wave and six-phase hlaf-wave, were used. As a result, the
more » ... olytic colored films obtained from using the complete flat wave form had rough surface and uneven color, while those obtained from using the uncomplete rectified wave forms had flat surface and uniform color. In addition, increasing rate of the voltage with using the uncomplete rectified wave forms was faster than that with using the complete flat wave form.
doi:10.4011/shikizai1937.65.279 fatcat:iv5c37qbwzcsflkzhqqqur6lqa