The Road to Quantum Computational Supremacy

Rahul Kumar, Shivraj Patil
2020 International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology  
The main purpose of this paper is to examine some (potential) applications of quantum computation in AI and to review the interplay between quantum theory and AI. For the readers who are not familiar with quantum computation, a brief introduction to it is provided, and a famous but simple quantum algorithm is introduced so that they can appreciate the power of quantum computation. Also, a (quite personal) survey of quantum computation is presented in order to give the readers a (unbalanced)
more » ... rama of the field. The author hopes that this paper will be a useful map for AI researchers who are going to explore further and deeper connections between AI and quantum computation as well as quantum theory although some parts of the map are very rough and other parts are empty, and waiting for the readers to fill in.
doi:10.32628/cseit206321 fatcat:r3vjor5ltbcabft7rj2qpqieou