Biosensitive Tattoos For Monitoring Hormones Concentration Levels On Real Time: A New Developing Approach

Joan Campaña
2018 Zenodo  
Chronic stress is one of major causes of important disorders and risk-conditions on health, such as heart diseases. Nonetheless, people who suffer it often overlook the stressful circumstances, until health damage is evident. Monitoring the levels of our hormones on real-time is a prospective solution. The presented prototype, a dermal implant, is the first step forward real-time hormones concentration measurement. It takes advantage of the endocrinology properties of the second layer of the
more » ... n, the dermis, where real tattoo inks are located. In this layer, several hormones (as cortisol, beta-endorphin, estrogens, androgens, etc.) related to emotional states can be measured. The implant is comprised by a scaffold made of the biocompatible materials PDMS and hydrogel, which contains genetically-modified yeast cells that in response to the detection of specific hormones concentration activates transcription of fluorescent proteins like GFP, YFP and RFP. The PDMS part of the scaffold includes a nutrients supply system for ensure cells nutritional requirements on the long term. Besides, the hydrogel layer has the crucial function of letting the hormones to diffuse through it to reach to the modified cells, while keeping the cells into the implant. This paper will compile the up-to-date development of the project.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1344512 fatcat:4vu7463oczddjhagav55cj2o7a