Hydrochemical Characteristics and Quality of Landfill Leachate and Surrounding Water

Sanket Vij, Sushma Kumari
2022 Journal of Theory and Practice of Engineering Science  
Leachate flow from municipal dumpsites into surface water sources, and can be detrimental to the urban population who use these water for various purposes. In Abeokuta South Local Government Area, the streams and rivers that drain through the town are the main sources of potable water for most residents. Surface water samples were collected from, Ilugun, Ogbaademola and Arakonga and from nearby stream located at the upstream, midstream and downstream of the three locations. Two samples of
more » ... te were collected at the dumpsites close to each of the streams, making a total number of fifteen (15) samples collected in all locations. Result showed that the value of pH (8.76, 8.75, 8.42), Phosphate (0.88, 0.76, 0.76), Lead (3.31, 2.80, 2.80), Nickel (4.21, 3.58, 3.58) and BOD (12.30, 13.84, 13.84) were higher than the WHO, 2017 guideline for drinking water. From this study, the water quality were affected by the dumping of waste, by urinating and defecating into the stream. Result also showed that, the highest pollution occurred at Ilugun, because Ilugun is located in an area where the residents does not have access to good sanitary facilities such as toilets, and they do not dispose off their waste improperly. Therefore, water obtained from all the three locations are polluted and cannot be consumed.
doi:10.53469/jtpes.2022.02(02).03 fatcat:yc6knyw2r5ervo7cepbwczfyhy