Theoretical Consideration about Dynamic Visco-Elasticity of Clayey Soil in the Paste

Katsumi FUJII, Masashi NAKANO
1983 Transactions of The Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering  
Individual clay particles have a tendency to contact each other and to form the microaggregates. If supposed that the micro-aggregates are composed of N clay plateletswhich are aligned in parallel with each other and are arranged at the same distance on a plane, thenwe can analyze the response of clay to the sinusoidal force, and consequently, obtained the theoretical visco-elasticity of Na, Ca-Montmorillonite in the paste. In this report, the micro-aggregate is characterized by certain
more » ... rs, for instance, the number of clay platelets contained in N and macro-porosity i. e. the ratio of tho inter-aggregate pore to total volume.
doi:10.11408/jsidre1965.1983.104_17 fatcat:tl4fsbr5cncbrdp5b62bw6jhoy