Report on Plans of the Beams Division for TeV33 [report]

J., (ed.) Marriner, P. Bagley, F. Bieniosek, M. Church, J. Johnstone, I. Kourbanis, D. McGinnis, S. Ngaitsev, R. Pasquinelli, S. Shukla, S. Werkema
1997 unpublished
DRAFT VERSION ****2/5/97****DRAFT VERSION**** ****DRAFT VERSION ****2/5/97****DRAFT VERSION **** 3.9.1 4-8 Ghz Pickups 3.9.2 4-8 GHz Signal Transmission 3.10 Antiproton Electron Cooling 3.10.1 Electron Cooling Rate 3.10.2 Electron Beam Optics 3.10.3 Technical Considerations 3.10.4 Alternative approaches 4. COLLIDING BEAMS ISSUES 4.1 Tevatron Injection 4.2 Proton Intensity 4.3 Antiproton Intensity 4.4 Tevatron rf voltage considerations 4.5 Single beam stability 4.6 Beam abort 4. 7 Interaction
more » ... ions 4.8 Beam-beam effects 4.8.1 Tune footprint 4.8.2 Crossing angle 4.9 Luminosity Leveling 5. SUMMARY OF UPGRADES REQUIRED. 6. RISKS & ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES 6.1 Strip-line kicker 6.2 Full MI targeting 6.3 Risks 7. CONCLUSION . Colliding beam parameters & Overview The Tevatron antiproton collider achieved peak a luminosity of 2.5xl0 31 crn-2 sec-1 in Run I, which ended in February 1996. The Main Injector and associated upgrades are expected to enable luminosities in the range of 5-8Xl0 32 crn-2 sec-1 in Run II, which is scheduled to begin in ****DRAFT VERSION ****-4-****DRAFT VERSION**** * In those 10 weeks 5.7xl0 13 antiprotons were accumulated and 32 pb-1 were deliverd to each of the two experiments. ****DRAFT VERSION ****-7-****DRAFT VERSION****
doi:10.2172/1581409 fatcat:zq3janwbc5hmllmpw7whnwljlm