Tools and methodologies for box-wing aircraft conceptual aerodynamic design and aeromechanic analysis

Karim Abu Salem, Palaia Giuseppe, Cipolla Vittorio, Binante Vincenzo, Zanetti Davide, Chiarelli Mario, Joseph Morlier, Michael Kokkolaras
2021 Mechanics & Industry  
A way to face the challenge of moving towards a new greener aviation is to exploit disruptive aircraft architectures; one of the most promising concept is the PrandtlPlane, a box-wing aircraft based on the Prandtl's studies on multiplane lifting systems. A box-wing designed accordingly the Prandtl "best wing system" minimizes the induced drag for given lift and span, and thus it has the potential to reduce fuel consumption and noxious emissions. For disruptive aerodynamic concepts, physic-based
more » ... aerodynamic design is needed from the very early stages of the design process, because of the lack of available statistical data; this paper describes two different in-house developed aerodynamic design tools for the PrandtlPlane conceptual aerodynamic design: AEROSTATE, for the design of the box-wing lifting system in cruise condition, and THeLMA, aiming to define the layout of control surfaces and high lift devices. These two tools have been extensively used to explore the feasible space for the aerodynamic design of the box-wing architecture, aiming to define preliminary correlations between performance and design variables, and guidelines to properly initialize the design process. As a result, relevant correlations have been identified between the rear-front wing loading ratio and the performance in cruise condition, and for the rear-front flap deflections and the aeromechanic characteristics in low speed condition.
doi:10.1051/meca/2021037 fatcat:t74z2dncnnel7h7vt6x6dzms4q