Gaseous Volume Visualization Using Particle Maps [article]

Neeharika Adabala, Swami Manohar
1999 Eurographics State of the Art Reports  
This paper presents a new method of rendering gaseous volumes using particle maps which store the particles that model the gaseous volume. The particle maps enable quick estimation of densities within a gaseous volume during rendering, analogous to how photon maps enable estimation of radiance during ray tracing. Particle based approaches to model gases are inherently simple and facilitate easy inclusion of physical correctness, but do not generally give realistic images. The alternate of
more » ... e based approaches give realistic images but have limited scope for inclusion of physical correctness. We combine these two approaches to give a method that (i) has flexibility to model any gaseous geometry, (ii) offers high scope for incorporation of physical correctness, (iii) does not possess arcane control parameters and (iv) results in realistic images.
doi:10.2312/egs.19991000 fatcat:2y5lx77lknekto6uwa7dsg6wj4