Alleviating consumers' negative emotional responses to really new products: The potential of product metaphors

Peiyao Cheng, Ruth Mugge
2019 Zenodo  
Although adopting product innovations could be beneficial for consumers, consumers often show negative emotional responses to innovations. An important reason for these negative emotions is that consumers experience difficulty when learning about really new products (RNPs) because the knowledge required goes beyond consumers' stored knowledge and using RNPs is difficult to imagine. To alleviate consumers' negative emotional responses, this paper conceptually proposes that using product
more » ... during designing RNPs could be a promising way to facilitate consumers' learning. Specifically, this paper explores the potential of applying product metaphors in the design of RNPs to facilitate consumer learning through functional and experiential analogies.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2629389 fatcat:yg3lhnn6abbbxn5hj3kjs2kqm4