Summary of Thomson-scattering data from the Tandem Mirror Experiment (TMX) [report]

R.K. Goodman
1982 unpublished
We provide a synthesis of our Thomson-scattering measurements of electron tem perature (T e ) and density (n c ) for the Tandem Mirror Experiment (T.MX). TMX operated in two modes-high and low T e . When performing in the high T e mode (in general >100 eV), heating the central-cell ions with neutral beams raised T e in the end plug. We achieved a maximum T e of 260 eV in the east end plug. Specifically, our experiments demonstrated that in the end plug, the radial T e profiles were flat to r =
more » ... cm; the ratio of potential (<£") to T t . ranged between four and six. In addition, we found that although T t , in the central eel! was generally comparable to that in the plug, it was often not constant along a magnetic field line. Under some conditions a non-Maxwellian electron distribution may have been present. 157 52 53 169 152 44 47 189 213 59 189 'All measurements were In ihe east plus at udiu& 0 cm.
doi:10.2172/5417581 fatcat:ql2njvayebhr7hb45by45vzr5y