Structured Deployment using Clustering Mechanism for Improving the Performance of the RFID Network

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
RFID is one of the most suitable technologies for today's world. RFID technology is mainly focused for tracking and locating the objects. The objects may be either moving or immovable. Normally RFID communication is based on the RFID Tag and the Reader permutations. The Readers were deployed in different locations for the better communication between the tag and reader. This paper is focused on the structured deployment of RFID readers to form a network using clustering mechanism. The
more » ... e of the network will be analyzed by various network attribute such as throughput, Accuracy, Missing tag ratio, Read Rate and Delay. For an efficient communication, the structured deployment of the RFID Reader's is most important. The clustering method is used for the proper deployment of RFID readers for efficient communication. Cluster is the grouping of RFID readers based on the geographical locations. Every cluster has a cluster head (CH) and these Cluster heads are responsible for every transaction between the cluster to cluster communications. This cluster head have selected according to their energy level and the centrality of the adjunct. This paper detailed how the RFID readers and tags are communicated using the clustering mechanism and performance of the RFID network is analyzed and discuss the results.
doi:10.35940/ijrte.d5251.118419 fatcat:elkei4ompfanfoc74rc22icdi4