GreA and GreB enhanceEscherichia coliRNA polymerase transcription rate in a reconstituted transcription-translation system [article]

Lea L. De Maddalena, Henrike Niederholtmeyer, Matti Turtola, Zoe Swank, Georgiy A. Belogurov, Sebastian J. Maerkl
2015 bioRxiv   pre-print
Cell-free environments are becoming viable alternatives for implementing biological networks in synthetic biology. The reconstituted cell-free expression system (PURE) allows characterization of genetic networks under defined conditions but its applicability to native bacterial promoters and endogenous genetic networks is limited due to the poor transcription rate ofEscherichia coliRNA polymerase in this minimal system. We found that addition of transcription elongation factors GreA and GreB to
more » ... the PURE system increased transcription rates ofE. coliRNA polymerase from sigma factor 70 promoters up to 6-fold and enhanced the performance of a genetic network. Furthermore, we reconstituted activation of naturalE. colipromoters controlling flagella biosynthesis by the transcriptional activator FlhDC and sigma factor 28. Addition of GreA/GreB to the PURE system allows efficient expression from natural and syntheticE. colipromoters and characterization of their regulation in minimal and defined reaction conditions making the PURE system more broadly applicable to study genetic networks and bottom-up synthetic biology.
doi:10.1101/024604 fatcat:7svcu3v4a5h4lhzpip2po3qnca