Aeronautical situational awareness - airport surface

Vladimir M. Linetsky, Vantage Partners, William D. Ivancic, Karl R. Vaden
2016 2016 Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance (ICNS)  
This paper advocates for a specific design approach, based on simple principals, yet addresses challenges faced by the system engineers when designing complex data and information infrastructure. The document provides guidance for breaking out various work elements in the overall network architecture design, so that communication systems are conceived and effectively realized regardless of their location, size and local specifics. Although targeted at the Global Airspace System (GAS) and
more » ... l Airspace System (NAS), this framework can be applied to any network-centric architecture. Design Methodology The proposed framework, as illustrated in Figure 1 consists of three major stakeholders (horizontal rela-1
doi:10.1109/icnsurv.2016.7486333 fatcat:vxtzfi6i3rbxbgfmyejpznc5je