On Improvement in Dynamics of a Proportional Control Solenoid-Valve

Yoshihiro SASAKI, Toshio KAKEHI, Yoshio TAKAHASHI
1995 Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources of Japan  
Yoshihiro SASAKI•õ,Toshio KAKEHI•õ•õ and Yoshio TAKAHASHI•õ In recent years,the high-precision,high-speed control of the proportional control solenoid-valve in the hydraulic system has become an important subject of research.Under certain driving conditions,it has been improved in the fluid forces which occur within the spool and the solenoid force.This is very valuable to the advancement of design. The aim of this study is to design and develop the high efficiency in the proportional control
more » ... lenoid-valve used with respect to design parameters which are improved stability and speed of response.The present study deals with the estimation of the dynamic characteristics of the proportional control solenoidvalve used in variance analysis.From these results,one of the characteristics was selected as the most important design parameter which simulates the best dynamic characteristics of the proportional control solenoid-valve.
doi:10.5188/jsmerj.8.21 fatcat:kh333eou3vhvbi4dwupkbb3fwu