Neuronavigation and epilepsy surgery

Martin B. Glaser, Konrad J. Werhahn, Peter Grunert, Clemens Sommer
2010 Health (Irvine, Calif.)  
Resective epilepsy surgery is an elective therapy indicated in focal epilepsy patients who are resistant to pharmacotherapy. Every effort should be undertaken to perform the procedures as safe and less traumatic as possible. Neuronavigation could represent a suitable tool to reduce surgical morbidity and increase surgical radicality. Here, we present a series of 41 patients who were operated on for medically intractable epilepsy using neuronavigation. Overall, complication rate was 17% with a
more » ... vourable seizure outcome of 88% (Engel's class I/II). Our data suggest that neuronavigation is a valuable surgical technique to accomplish a favourable outcome in epilepsy surgery.
doi:10.4236/health.2010.27114 fatcat:765rniozzjdbfdxinpexlc5zxu