Utilizing of the Guar Gum for Improving the Physiochemical, Rheological and Sensory Properties of Low-Energy Mozzarella Cheese

Luma Khairy. H, Shaymaa S. Lafta, Fered Saadoon A
2020 Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health  
This study aimed to use the Guar Gum as a fat replacer and study its role for improving the physicochemical, rheological and sensory properties of Mozzarella cheese. The Guar Gum added to skimmed milk in different proportions 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% and 0.5% as A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 treatment, respectively. In addition, there was the positive control C + treatment, which made from whole milk and negative control C ‫ـــ‬ treatment that made from skimmed milk without β-glucan. The chemical
more » ... were involved moisture, protein, fat, lactose, ash, soluble nitrogen and non-protein nitrogen as well as the physical analysis which involved the total acidity, pH, compression and elasticity were made. Besides, the sensory evaluation was conducted after processing directly and during storage at (5 ± 1) ºC for 150 days. The results indicated that the Guar Gum treatments had a high moisture content than C + and C ‫ـــ‬ treatment, which they were 48.66 and 51.40 %, while it ranged from 54.5% to 58.80% for Guar Gum treatments, when moisture contents was follow up during storage at ( 5±1) C for 150 days, the results indicated a significant reduction for all the treatments values. Fat content decreased significantly in all skimmed milk Guar Gum treatments but the lactose percentage was converged in all treatments. In addition, the Guar Gum was improved the rheological tests (compression and elasticity) of produced cheese as compared with C ‫ـــ‬ treatment. The Guar Gum could increase the yield of cheese and improve the sensory properties of low-fat Mozzarella cheese as well as decrease the energy value of that cheese. How to cite this article: Luma KH, Lafta SS, Fered SA (2020): Utilizing of the Guar gum for improving the physiochemical, rheological and sensory properties of low -energy Mozzarella cheese, Ann Trop Med & Public Health; 23(S16): SP231622.
doi:10.36295/asro.2020.231622 fatcat:ftzrbwrernd6pde37uahzvyyqu