Strategic planning in grassland farming: Principles andapplications

W.J. Parker, N.M. Shadbolt, D.I. Gray
1997 Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association  
Three levels of planning can be distinguished in grassland farming: strategic, tactical and operational. The purpose of strategic planning is to achieve a sustainable long-term fit of the farm business with its physical, social and financial environment. In pastoral farming, this essentially means developing plans that maximise and best match pasture growth with animal demand, while generating sufficient income to maintain or enhance farm resources and improvements, and attain personal and
more » ... cial goals. Strategic plans relate to the whole farm business and are focused on the means to achieve future needs. They should be routinely (at least annually) reviewed and monitored for effectiveness through key performance indicators (e.g., Economic Farm Surplus) that enable progress toward goals to be measured in a timely and cost-effective manner. Failure to link strategy with control is likely to result in unfulfilled plans. Keywords: management, performance
doi:10.33584/jnzg.1997.59.2241 fatcat:euwqpkxax5f2xnpysgiaekbdm4