Synthesis and Antibacterial Evaluation of Novel Heterocyclic Compound Containing a Testosterone Moiety

Kulkarni Joshi, Mrunalini Kulkarni, Vinay Joshi, Kulkarni, Joshi, Mrunalini Kulkarni
2016 J Pharm Sci Bioscientific Res   unpublished
Aiming for the synthesis of new heterocyclic compound containing a testosterone moiety suitable for use as antibacterial agent. From Ethisterone, a testosterone, Danazol was synthesised. Danazole is a first drug to especially treat endometriossis in the early 1970. There were several publication available so far on Danazole for its synthesis, activity, derivatives of Danazole and its physical and chemical properties inorder to further study. Synthesized Danazol then subjected to Glaser Hay
more » ... ing reaction to yield a Dimer compound. The newly synthesized compound was tested for antibacterial activity.