TX system-level analysis by behavioral modeling of RF building blocks: the IEEE802.11a and IEEE802.15.3a case studies

A. Cidronali, M. Camprini, I. Magrini, E. Bertran, N. Athanasopoulos, R. Makri, R. Cignani, G. Vannini, J. Portilla, P. Casas, K. Vryssas, A. Samelis (+1 others)
The paper highlights some of the newest results achieved in the framework of the Transmitter Modeling for wideband access transmitters work package within the IST-EU Network of Excellence TARGET. Two cases of study have been considered to discuss the outcome, namely the IEEE 802.11a WLAN and the IEEE 802.15.3a UWB. A specific discussion about the subsystem modeling requirements in terms of key parameters allow the construction of subsystem models capable of numerical efficiency and accuracy.
more » ... subsequent insertion of such subsystem behavioral models allows fast and accurate cosimulations of complete transmitters for the performance investigation.
doi:10.6092/unibo/amsacta/1784 fatcat:gck3u3x25jefjdcvmug7opzhna