Assessment of 3D Models Used in Contours Studies

F. J. Ayala Alvarez, E. B. Blazquez Parra, F. Montes Tubio
2015 Universal Journal of Educational Research  
This paper presents an experimental research focusing on the view of first year students. The aim is to check the quality of implementing 3D models integrated in the curriculum. We search to determine students´ preference between the various means facilitated in order to understand the given subject. Students have been respondents to prove the hypotheses about the 3D models used in class to explain and do exercises about contours in Topography, and to develop a final course project. A positive
more » ... ttitude of the students towards used 3D models has been observed. Data support our hypotheses.
doi:10.13189/ujer.2015.031114 fatcat:pvucrcixgbg6tjmt5enugvm5gi