A case report on hypocalcemic seizures secondary to maternal vitamin D deficiency

Asma Ferdousi, Enshad Ekram Ullah, Rasheda Samad
2018 Open Science Journal  
Maternal vitamin D insufficiency is not uncommon. Usual causes of maternal deficiency in vitamin D and or calcium are due to cultural modifications in their diets or clothing habits. Infant born to mothers who are on breastfeeding are also at risk of developing vitamin D deficiency, hypocalcemia and seizure. We present a case of an infant with hypocalcemic seizures secondary to vitamin D deficiency.Hypocalcemic seizure may occur in term or preterm neonates due to maternal vitamin D
more » ... . It is not common to present with hypocalcemic seizures at 4 to 5 months age in an otherwise healthy child with uneventful neonatal period.
doi:10.23954/osj.v3i1.1291 fatcat:cxcne2xekrdjdloc2b4eukudwe