Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in patients with chronic hepatitis C

K. V. Zhdanov, D. A. Gusev, S. M. Zacharenko, K. V. Kozlov, A. S. Sigidayev, M. V. Kurtukov, V. S. Sukachev
2014 Žurnal Infektologii  
In order to estimate the frequency of detection of bacterial overgrowth syndrome in patients with chronic hepatitis C, find a possible relationship between development dysbiotic changes in the small intestine and over chronic hepatitis C were examined 80 patients (68 males and 12 females). In addition to standard laboratory tests for all patients was performed hydrogen breath test with a load of lactulose and fibrogastroduodenoscopy and hepatic biopsy with subsequent histological examination of
more » ... biopsy. It was found that bacterial overgrowth syndrome, according to the hydrogen breath test detected 40% of patients with chronic hepatitis C, and the severity of it increases with the progression of the pathological process in the liver tissue. urthermore, in patients with endoscopic signs of catarrhal duodenitis according fibrogastroduodenoscopy, the level of molecular hydrogen when the hydrogen breath test at the appropriate stages of measurement was significantly lower, which may be due to the lack of saccharolytic and / or the predominance of proteolytic flora in the development of bacterial overgrowth syndrome.
doi:10.22625/2072-6732-2011-3-4-98-101 doaj:86ca2359ff5c45e5afb8b7466646cb32 fatcat:gl66miljyfehnfngitmswiap2y