Mitochondrial Regulation of Calcium in the Avian Cochlear Nucleus

Sam P. Mostafapour, Edward A. Lachica, Edwin W Rubel
1997 Journal of Neurophysiology  
reticular complex and the mitochondrion. For example, inhibel. Mitochondrial regulation of calcium in the avian choclear bition of the sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca 2/ (SERCA) nucleus. J. Neurophysiol. 78: 1928nucleus. J. Neurophysiol. 78: -1934nucleus. J. Neurophysiol. 78: , 1997. The role of mitopumps has been shown to perturb Ca 2/ homeostasis in nonchondria and the endoplasmic reticulum in buffering [Ca 2/ ] i in neuronal cell lines (Thastrup et al. 1990 ). Mitochondria also response to
more » ... osed calcium loads in neurons of the chick cochlear possess Ca 2/ transport systems (Gunter and Gunter 1994) nucleus, nucleus magnocellularis (NM), was examined. Intracelluand have been found to play a role in calcium regulation in lar calcium concentrations were measured using fluorometric vid-1928 . cellular calcium concentration homeostasis in cultured cerebellar granule cells: role of mitochondria in calcium buffering.
doi:10.1152/jn.1997.78.4.1928 pmid:9325361 fatcat:5vzyiwujcvgt5hrgguiuidweca