The Nanaimo Free Press [Tuesday, March 1, 1927] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Tte r«(uUr wrclmg of the City C«wcl »« belli UH ereoing ia tmma Chember^ the ioU bMrd he-■f P«««^M rccei»e4 Uurlti K Sailer, local reprcrco _ Bond CortHiratKMi, ouenac lor rak a city ol y« «« IvJU bond. .Mdcmea Caealtiy aad Uuo>idc moved it be reierred 1. the Fiaaiuc Comauf-' ^---------(Maa and aclioa. ]M> aw»laan..ii. lor •aha the «n> l«ai«* were granti •«•, the atnMKatioB oi Mr. Jo« Uaavoo, whom property u ouUide I diy, war reierred to the eagiaeer for ih. r» awlemeatary ararraat book for
more » ... ary, and atcoonti loUliaf m acre ordered paid. The Pvki and Bropenict Coaaait-ID tbeir report that *a MM oi be ipeat oa the tree-^ oi a icDcc oa the tooth tide oi CMaaroad adjuMtag the park. Mreeii foreman Shepherd reported e ot *417.14 oa ttreett, I *laJV oa waterworkt AM. Hart moved that the Licente hylao he repealed and a new byUw be draned ■ «♦ place. Aid. hauth tecondad Ihr nwdioo which wat deleated •bca voted Bp«>. the tbetr volet again AM Hart itatrd that everj had heard ohiectaviH againvt Ue. tad that the inercbanli of the aly were dataliaiHrd with the prevent tatea Ue thaaght the Council would do wel in leptal the whole bylaw aad t are Hart ■adh Aid Kenay ihuaghi that the received would greatly aMM the Council Board it the drttung ti a new by law wat iouad aceevtary. vtatnig that he did aol think be very hard to re-adjavt the r.>iteai by law to tail evcryooc. Thtre are people not a aulc from m Phea o| hutiaem who are not at paeal pa>ii« a cent oi Ikeate. W e etal k> in.lude iravellrri; aad people aha «r coaaigniiig goodv here fur ah. ah . are not at pceteni paying By mag rtiiv. and in getting ihia ouividc iwmig. It may be p.nviblc to lower hr hirnve price wow being paid hot pco|>lc. if we allow ail of ihetc -Iim rrporta to cataa in. I bekv« we .an work cm them, aad adbat the bylaw to tail everybody.* NEWrOUNDLiND' S POSSIBILITY Of CUIMTOTEHIITORY! MGLO-SOVIET iSSBSTilNED CONHENCE-^N wMmghmw. hUrch l.-FiftMw werkiwg » the vhwft ni the BiU-March l-.ScwloaadUadt wncrvhip of trrritary in La-■"taU it lavtained ia aubtwt with two revervatic Thit IV the decivion of _______ ol the Privy Cimncil.'which Imad.m. March I -The Daily Sketch the Raatiaa reply to the Briiith ^otevl agaiati BolMwvim propag.^ The aewvpaper pmatt oat the Soviet • av aaked to defmc the boundarv hn-1 »epcr pmati oat the Soviet ween Canada and -NewloaiiZnd V.T* *"'*** »""*'» • be pentnvola. The roanaMtec t deti-'**"*'"" Ravto-Britith rclalioaa. * *"■ "f* Britain it hkriy« •< a definite inviuiioa to the IH," ol boundary placet vide portion of ih; Newioe erland under I. tip oi Ubrador, many mile, vrd oi a • • little ttnp along the coavt whKh Canada dnimcd was all that Newfoundland wat entitled to. RUCar LEAGUE CUP DRAW L^don, March l.-Thc draw lor tbn third round oi the Ri«by Uagu. cap '•vl.T^* at f«Oa«t: \hakeiicM »a Batlcy. Wk1." c Dewtburp^ra. HuB.IUi«. Leedt va OtdhaM. Swiatou tra Han. mtmm KESIGNSSEBT IN THE HOUSE COMPENSIIION BOIKDIIEillS VIEWS OriSUNDNINEKS EERENSKIONIIIS WIVTONEWTOKt New Vofk. March I-.Menander Kc rrntki, wha beaded tbe firtt Govern «eat tet ap ia Ravaia alter the overthrow oi iW Caar ia the early dayt of t^he wo ld war, it a pattcMrer on the *•"" Oirwfic. dae at New York toitabc . Thia w.ti learned today by the At-oK^iaied Plat, in retpontc to i ENGLISH WOMEN MlYGETFIliNCHISE | THIS SESSION 1.-I tUare to rerneia-'Hrr SjEBOBi^QO Ea^liAh momem "^Mhont -ballot ni the iprrch frum the Thranc the opening of Parliament wat a bitter ■ ewl tafirage. hut the Wevim-v. Gaeette learat the ha. defin-■iHy decided to iatTodnre a bill to earanchive women at the age of 21. The wcawtre yU probably mg be acted tl5Sl-?r^*ŵ r wW. Mbw. Egte* »«wck -w.r RENT-SmMI « _ »awv ra.ibB,GM._____ HOTEL ST. im EagleHR Vimm Cwmn Bssrihy^^i TERMS MOU----MR. A TOURRBu ROSE PARLOK braoebe. of S and Betar «M Oyer Rank of RaatiM • lOK EXPO! Piano T«Mi|' Rep«^ I R.W.'SoOffll BILL HAT L TheHudrXrJ W hen >..n want i«T 4i"«nd r«' '**! PH0WIW_ Yoinx smj Mc;;oR'R^?%'trr KMmtj'iSwfkti Plumbing. I Sheet Metal BesverBosfd.FvV-Ol Pasei Stow McClary Stovt** Parts.
doi:10.25316/ir-4015 fatcat:r6wm2zzrirghpnhgdnz6ju44lq