Simultaneous Visualization of Myosin Heavy Chain Isoforms in Single Muscle Sections

Samo Ribaric, Vita CebaŠek
2013 Cells Tissues Organs  
We developed a staining protocol that enables simultaneous visualization of myosin heavy chain (MHC) pure and hybrid muscle fiber types in rat skeletal muscle. Up to eight different muscle fiber types can be visualized in a single section of the rat extensor digitorum longus muscle, which contains all four adult MHC isoforms and shows plasticity during the dennervation-reinnervation process. Triple immunofluorescent staining of MHC-1, MHC-2a and MHC-2b with primary antibodies BA-D5 (isotype
more » ... b), SC-71 (isotype IgG1) and BF-F3 (isotype IgM) and with three fluorophorelabeled isotype-specific secondary antibodies displays different muscle fiber types in a merged image of red, green and blue channel, each in its own color. Immunoperoxidase staining with primary antibody 6H1 directed against MHC-2x can be additionally applied on the same tissue section to facilitate the identification of muscle fibers containing MHC-2x. Triple staining can also be used in combination with other staining procedures to derive more information about the number of capillaries or the oxidative potential of muscle fiber types. Simultaneous visualization of multiple fiber types in a single merged image enables economical use of muscle samples and provides simple and rapid identification of all fiber types that are present in rat limb muscles.
doi:10.1159/000345424 pmid:23306777 fatcat:w5oyjd7jize4hhbizfjuxavizm