The antioxidant properties of polypore mushroom Daedaleopsis confragosa

Senka Vidović, Zoran Zeković, Ibrahim Mujić, Žika Lepojević, Marija Radojković, Jelena Živković
2011 Open Life Sciences  
AbstractDaedaleopsis confragosa belong to a large and remarkable group of mushrooms called polypores. This type of mushroom could be easily said to be quite unexplored and unused when it comes to its antioxidant properties. Thus, in order to evaluate its antioxidant activity, the investigation had to include the total phenolics and flavonoide content, the content of Selenium, the content of Zinc, the scavenging capacity on DPPH· and OH· radicals, reducing power and capacity to remove lipid
more » ... idation. The investigated mushroom extract contained 54.17 mg GAE/g of total phenols and 48.46 mg CE/g of total flavonoides. Zinc and Selenium were detected and quantified by using inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy. The scavenging activity of the radicals was found to exhibit 50% of the inhibition value (IC50 value) at the extract concentration of 0.015±0.007 mg/ml for the investigated D. confragosa extract. By using electron paramagnetic resonant spectroscopy it was found that the investigated extract does not have a significant role in the prevention of lipid peroxidation. It was effective in scavenging on ·OH radical, RI was 56±2%.
doi:10.2478/s11535-011-0029-5 fatcat:2fmoej3hl5ayhkkq7fnwktl2mm