Rapid and Nondestructive On-Site Classification Method for Consumer-Grade Plastics Based on Portable NIR Spectrometer and Machine Learning

Yinglin Yang, Xin Zhang, Jianwei Yin, Xiangyang Yu, Ana Domi nguez Vidal
2020 Journal of Spectroscopy  
The classification of plastic waste before recycling is of great significance to achieve effective recycling. In order to achieve rapid, nondestructive, and on-site detection, a portable near-infrared spectrometer was used in this study to obtain the diffuse reflectance spectrum for both standard and commercial plastics made by ABS, PC, PE, PET, PP, PS, and PVC. After applying a series of pretreatments, the principal component analysis (PCA) was used to analyze the cluster trend. K-nearest
more » ... bor (KNN), support vector machine (SVM), and back propagation neural network (BPNN) classification models were developed and evaluated, respectively. The result showed that different plastics could be well separated in top three principal components space after pretreatment, and the classification models performed excellent classification results and high generalization capability. This study indicated that the portable NIR spectrometer, integrated with chemometrics, could achieve excellent performance and has great potential in the field of commercial plastic identification.
doi:10.1155/2020/6631234 fatcat:hygxmwwzyjdlzbkwqxrqwrssza