Using Latent Semantic Indexing for an Online Research Interest Matching System

Chunli Yu
2013 Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Advanced Information Engineering and Education Science (ICAIEES 2013)   unpublished
The exponentially increasing information online nowadays calls for efficient and effective information retrieval method. An example of online information retrieval is to retrieve and match research interests among researchers. This article presents a method for automatic textual information retrieval and online research interest matching system using latent semantics indexing. Information about professors' research interests is collected from website and a term-document matrix is generated
more » ... on the textual information. Information Retrieval is then performed from truncated SVD. Study shows that selection of dimension k can affect the returning results.
doi:10.2991/icaiees-13.2013.30 fatcat:zhxathbibbagnh57kb644gxa5a