Algebraic cobordism theory attached to algebraic equivalence

Amalendu Krishna, Jinhyun Park
2013 Journal of K-Theory  
Based on the algebraic cobordism theory of Levine and Morel, we develop a theory of algebraic cobordism modulo algebraic equivalence. We prove that this theory can reproduce Chow groups modulo algebraic equivalence and the semi-topological K 0 -groups. We also show that with finite coefficients, this theory agrees with the algebraic cobordism theory. We compute our cobordism theory for some low dimensional varieties. The results on infinite generation of some Griffiths groups by Clemens and on
more » ... mash-nilpotence by Voevodsky and Voisin are also lifted and reinterpreted in terms of this cobordism theory.
doi:10.1017/is013001028jkt210 fatcat:cs7prqanavc2tgyhmo4utawdty