Computed tomographic findings of hepatocellular carcinoma

I S Jo, W Y Jong, J Y Lee, H Y Choi, B K Kim
1987 Journal of the Korean Radiological Society  
With Development 01 Computed Tomdgraphy, detection 01 the Hepatocellular Carcinoma are easi ly per. l o rm ed and Irequently used in the world During 15mo nths, Irom December 1985 to February 1987, 59 patients with hepatocellular ca rcino ma were evaluated w ith com puted tomography in department 01 radio logy at Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospita l Th e results were as lollow 1. The most preva lent age group were 5th to 7th decades. male to lemale ratio was 4.9' 1 2. Classilication with
more » ... 01 computed tomographic appearance 01 the hepatocellular carcinoma were solitary type 28 cases (48%), multinodular type 24 cases (40%), and diffuse type 7 cases (1 2%), Association w ith liver cirrhosis was noted in 22 cases (38%) 3. Inhomogenous internal cons istency 01 hepatocelluar carci noma d ue to central nec rosis were 35 cases (60%) Portal vein invasion by hepatocellular ca rc in o 때 was noted in 15 cases (25%), and parti cul arl y most common in d iffuse type 4 cases (55%) 4. On precontrast scan, all hepatocellu lar ca rcinoma were seerl as area 01 low density except lor 3 cases (0.5%) 01 near isodensity which turned o ut to be remarkable low density o n postcontrast scan. 5. In so litary type, posterior segment 01 ri ght lobe was most common site 01 involvment 12 cases (43%). In diffuse type, bilobar involvment was most common, 6 cases (85%) 1 . 서
doi:10.3348/jkrs.1987.23.4.590 fatcat:nafmecfnn5c6jc7zayxx3vnnee