Role of Differential Air Pressure Zones in the Control of Aerosols in a Large Animal Isolation Facility

James F. Sullivan, Joseph R. Songer
1966 Applied microbiology  
SULLIVAN, JAMES F. (National Animal Disease Laboratory, Ames, Iowa), AND JOSEPH R. SONGER. Role of differential air pressure zones in the control of aerosols in a large animal isolation facility. Appl. Microbiol. 14:674-678. 1966.-The uncontrolled transmission of hog cholera in a large animal isolation facility, designed to control the movement of aerosols within and between individual wings of a multiunit building, indicated the need for a critical study of aerosol behavior under existing
more » ... tions of operation. Studies with aerosols of Escherichia coli B T3 bacteriophage (T3 coliphage) conclusively demonstrated the impossibility of obtaining the desired control by means of a "static" air balance relationship between adjacent areas within the facility. Modifications needed to provide the desired control of the air-handling system are outlined and discussed.
doi:10.1128/aem.14.4.674-678.1966 fatcat:a5tibczn7vgale3fyscikosdcm