A Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of the Development of Rural Ecotourism in China

Zhuang Chen
2019 Journal of Advances in Economics and Finance  
In the new era, in China, urbanization is constantly making progress, and the boundaries between the urban and rural areas are increasingly blurred. From an economic perspective, the concept of rural ecotourism is currently emerging. In this paper, the issues in rural ecotourism development is taken as the starting point, and the purpose is to come up the with right solutions for the corresponding issues in order to implement the sustainable development and virtuous circle of rural ecotourism
more » ... rough measures including system improvement, local conditions, cultural integration, brand building, talent development, and the Internet, etc. thus achieving the major strategic goal of wellbeing of the people and the protection on the ecological environment.
doi:10.22606/jaef.2019.41006 fatcat:to5z3dv4pva3higlv5cmbcc7am