An analysis of conditions that promote successful practical mentoring processes in teacher education

Elisabeth Haas
This article discusses the importance of teacher mentoring in schools. It presents mentoring programs which are implemented in Austria in cooperation with universities and teacher training colleges. The study investigates three phenomena: learning in the internship with accompaniment, collaboration, and professionalism. It evaluates interviews with mentors and applies grounded theory as its research methodology, which shows the consequence in the form of six school practical mentoring functions
more » ... in the mentoring process. Conditions with a positive impact on the mentoring process are derived from these mentoring functions. The article aims to contribute to the current discussion about mentoring in teacher education. The discussed research project is a qualitative-based survey on interviews with mentors (n=12) and mentees (n=12) and an evaluation with Grounded Theory.
doi:10.34862/fo.2022.6 fatcat:hrzh2keirvai3n44o5pgz6qqxy