Organizational and Educational Aspects of Primary Prevention of HIV/AIDS and Psychoactive Substance Dependence at a Medical School

Konstantin Zorin
2017 Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Education, Language, Art and Intercultural Communication (ICELAIC 2017)   unpublished
The paper substantiates the significance of organizational and education aspects of the primary prevention of HIV/ AIDS and the psychoactive substance dependence among future doctors. Enhancement of the higher medical education system needs to seek new methods of education and upbringing. It may be desirable to include into the academic activity the lecture and practical studies of problem-solving and project nature, focused on promotion of moral and psychic health and on development of the
more » ... ity to culturally educate on the development of healthy lifestyle, including the primary prevention of tobacco and alcohol use, drug abuse and HIV/ AIDS. Keywords-health organization; healthy lifestyle, healthsaving behaviour; risk behaviour; higher medical education; primary prevention of drug abuse; primary prevention of HIV/AIDS I.
doi:10.2991/icelaic-17.2017.44 fatcat:li2y6ng2tbdlrhojdunvircerm