Assessment of Water Quality in A Watershed Impacted by Natural ARD Using Mineralogy and Remote Sensing

D. C. Peters, D. A. Bird, P. L. Hauff, M. A. Sares, D. W. Coulter, E. C. Prosh, F. B. Henderson III
2004 Journal American Society of Mining and Reclamation  
Extended Abstract In many areas of the Western U.S. containing mineralization that includes large sulfide bodies, natural acid rock drainage (ARD) from sulfidic alteration adversely affects the water quality of the host watershed. This occurs regardless of whether any mining has occurred in the watershed, but mining activity can exacerbate ARD production. The Colorado Geological Survey and a team of remote sensing experts from industry are conducting a National Aeronautics and Space
more » ... on (NASA) -funded study of the ARD impacted Lake Creek watershed in the upper Arkansas River basin of Colorado ( Fig. 1) using remote sensing technology to characterize, map, and monitor water quality in such watersheds.
doi:10.21000/jasmr04011480 fatcat:kgmsd3ajdbb7pps6n7hobwf3uy