Spanish Migrating Newspapers: News Broadcast or Opinion Generators

Noemi Muñoz-Agustin, Angel Vicario-Merino
2020 Open Journal of Political Science  
The movement of populations is something that has been happening throughout history and is currently a key element in all the political agendas. The impact that the media has on the general opinion of society is undoubtable. With the systematic review of the headlines of four key Spanish Newspapers during the period of 2007-2012, we were looking for the tendencies and differences of 5 key newspapers concerning the same event at the same time. The following keywords in Spanish (Dugout, Sub
more » ... n, Moroccan, Avalanche, Massive arrival, Refugees, Alien law, Internment centers, Human trafficking, Trafficking) have been searched for in a Spanish newspaper repository. The results have been confronted between the newspapers, obtaining clear differences on the importance and the usage of the language repetition of terms to become opinion generators depending on the political moment of the country and the editorial line of the media.
doi:10.4236/ojps.2020.103023 fatcat:wp437qacgjattlk777arklluhm