The policies of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in financing pre-university education

Ionel Florian Lixandru, Mihaela Gabriela Todrican Rosca
2020 Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence  
AbstractIn this article, we want to present the comparative report, as well as the results of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development policy review to improve the efficiency of the use of educational resources (Review Resources Resources). The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development report provides analysis and options to assist governments in achieving the goals of education policies, as well as the fair use of financial resources in this area. This report
more » ... es on the more topics of interest, such us: how responsibilities for raising and spending school funds in increasingly complex education systems can be effectively organized, the way in which mechanisms for distributing funding to schools can be designed effectively to support the learning of young people and how planning procedures can support the preparation of education budgets to ensure their long-term sustainability and align them with the priorities of government education policies. At the same time we set out to present the governance of school funding and describes increasing the involvement of different bodies in the management and allocation of school funds in different States as well as how they are organized and interact with each other. The article also contains some examples of sources of education funding in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Member States such as Austria, Finland, Germany, Greece, The United Kingdom and the United States of America.
doi:10.2478/picbe-2020-0039 fatcat:i2wiugipijdl3bu6ogi7jcets4