The Role of Civil Society Organizations in The Face of Contemporary Security and Stability Challenges In Nigeria

Dr. Abdulqadir Sulaiman Muhammad
2016 IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science  
No doubt Nigeria and some continents across the globe are facing serious security challenges ranging from one reason to the other but with almost same agitation of both political or religious sentiment and extremism. One may not be wrong if affirm the link that is between Islamic insurgents splinters groups across the globe when on recent the Nigerian insurgent group (Boko Haram) paid allegiance to ISIS insurgent group which presently creating havoc, maim, massacre and destructions of
more » ... in both Muslims and non-Muslims countries alike in the name of Holy war and exhibition of Islamic teachings and morals. The paper shall therefore debunk and distance Islam with such agitations and also,The paper shall examine the role of civil society organizations in the phase of contemporary security challenges: a global overview, considering Nigeria as the case study, it also highlighted the history of insurgency in Nigeria, insurgent groups, remote causes, the role of an ideal civil society organizations, the role of Muslims clerics, missionaries and scholars. The paper shall also discuss the inevitability of kin relationship between the government, the Ulama'u (Islamic scholars) and civil society in achieving sustainable security, peace and stability, short and long term measures, challenges and sponsorship for civil society shall form the concluding remark.
doi:10.9790/0837-2107060109 fatcat:mug5ufhltfhirn6kl2cgjg7t7u