The Rural Health Movement

CH Wardell Stiles
1911 The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science  
Rural and Urban Health.-In the popular conception, rural life is more healthful than urban, and people have considerable to say about the &dquopure fresh country air.&dquo Unfortunately, however, fresh air is only one of the factors necessary for health, and by itself &dquofresh air&dquo will not overcome our great national sanitary crime of &dquosoil pollution.&dquo In plain unvarnished Anglo-Saxon, &dquofresh air&dquo will not make, up for the absence of a privy on 55.3 per cent. of the
doi:10.1177/000271621103700211 fatcat:2attyes3lrgzvcs7hzwgkrpgze