Light emitters and modulators on SOI for optical interconnects

Yikai Su, Ciyuan Qiu, Yong Zhang, Ruili Liu, Henning Schröder, Ray T. Chen
2016 Optical Interconnects XVI  
We discuss light emitters and modulators in silicon photonic interconnects. In particular, we experimentally demonstrate resonant luminescence from Ge quantum dots embedded in a photonic crystal ring resonator (PCRR) at room temperature. Six sharp resonant peaks are observed, which correspond to the resonant modes supported by the PCRR. We further study a high speed silicon-graphene nanobeam modulator, and a silicon spatial light modulator. These devices show great potential in future high density and high capacity interconnection systems.
doi:10.1117/12.2211830 fatcat:6g7w2yaccvgkxnypchhdl7gkdq