Photoproduction of pentaquark cascades from nucleons

W. Liu, C. M. Ko
2004 Physical Review C  
The cross sections for production of pentaquark Ξ^+_5 from the reaction γ p→ K^0K^0Ξ^+_5 and Ξ^--_5 from the reaction γ n→ K^+K^+Ξ^--_5 are evaluated in a hadronic model that includes their couplings to both ΣK̅ and ΣK̅^*. With these coupling constants determined from the empirical π NN(1710) and ρ NN(1710) coupling constants by assuming that Ξ^+_5, Ξ^--_5, and N(1710) belong to the same antidecuplet of spin 1/2 and positive parity, and using form factors at strong interaction vertices similar
more » ... o those for pentaquark Θ^+ production in photonucleon reactions, we obtain a cross section of about 0.03-0.6 nb for the reaction γ p→ K^0K^0Ξ^+_5 and about 0.1-0.6 nb for the reaction γ n→ K^+K^+Ξ^--_5 at photon energy E_γ=4.5 GeV, depending on the value of the coupling constant g_K^*ΣΞ_5.
doi:10.1103/physrevc.69.045204 fatcat:6ghpo5puxbafhcn5wqdnk6izgq