Time-Invariant Control in LQ Optimal Tracking: An Alternative to Output Regulation

Sebastian Bernhard
We propose a new time-invariant control for linear quadratic tracking problems with references and disturbances generated by linear exo-systems. The control consists of a static feedback and a static pre-filter similar as in output regulation theory (ORT). Instead of forcing the tracking error to converge to zero, a tolerated steady-state error is balanced against the necessary input-energy via a quadratic cost. For the first time in this context, we deduce a time-invariant control from
more » ... c equations such that necessary optimality conditions are satisfied on infinite horizons. Then, we prove strong optimality for bounded exo-system states. Hence, any other steady-state solution will lead to infinite additional cost. On finite horizons and for arbitrary exo-systems, we prove that our control is an agreeable plan as it approximates the computational expensive, time-varying optimal control of any suitably large horizon. Since our control applies for any initial conditions of the plant and the exo-system, it is well suited for a practical resource-efficient implementation. In this regard, a presented algorithm allows for an easy to carry out control design. Finally, an industrial application indicates the unified treatment of square, under- and over-actuated systems by our approach in contrast to ORT.
doi:10.26083/tuprints-00019112 fatcat:x3c6gfmvnrdohkuhy65mtqur3i