Perceptions about Self-recording Videos to Develop EFL Speaking Skills in Two Ecuadorian Universities

Maria Asuncion Rojas Encalada, Sonia Magali Arteaga Sarmiento
2019 Journal of Language Teaching and Research  
The present study explores the perceptions of EFL students from two Ecuadorian universities on the use of Self-Recording Videos (SRV) to develop speaking skills. As students do not have the opportunity to talk in the target language outside their classes, the authors of the present study analyzed the participants' viewpoints regarding SRV to improve their conversational abilities. There is still limited research on the use of SRV for English speaking practice in a foreign country, so the
more » ... hers' purpose is to fill this gap in the literature to contribute to further studies on the topic. The authors consider essential to acknowledge the positive aspects of using this technique from the learners' perspectives. For this purpose, participants were required to self-record a video related to the content of the class during the week and submit it to the Moodle platform.
doi:10.17507/jltr.1001.07 fatcat:rpo4eouiwfd6jnkxcxi2ur2sci