Analysis of Photo-Plethysmography (PPG) Signals with Motion Artifacts (Gaussian Noise) Using Wavelet Transforms

Sukanesh R., Harikumar R.
2011 International journal of biomedical soft computing and human sciences  
Biomedical g Fuzzy 'r/.'ti>・. Systems Association IJBSC/IIS[OriginalArticle] BiomedicalSefL Abstract: Analysis ofbio-signals in the ctinicat point qf'vient, is gaining }t,ide range ofaT?ptieation nowadu.v,s, 7hese signats are ctegracied in their quatity dite the Motion artgtZicts which are as atike Gaussian noise in nature. 77iis paper discusses a methodology, to ana4},sis the signij}eance qf'Photo-PiethJ,smographie (PPGV wavefbrin with motion at'tpt]ets using four d)Jt7iirent uJavelets such as
more » ... Haar, db2, db4 and near symmetric ivaveiet Csymiet-8). 7Vie hard and sof 71iershotding techniques are compared In this study fbur hea/th}, suht'eets are analyzect 71{ie Peak Signal to Noise Ratio rPSiVR) measttrements sho}v the qtfieac:v ofthe waveiet T7iershoiding at two tevels (lctB and 2dB) of acided Gaussian noise to the signaL 7he Hard Thershotding oitipeil12)rtns the Soji one "'ith higher PSNR vatties.
doi:10.24466/ijbschs.16.1_135 fatcat:u2ptfkg6hracfmavwdtodleu7q