A Study on the Reliability Analysis for Smoke Detector using Dust
분진을 이용한 연기감지기 신뢰성 분석에 관한 연구

Sung Ho Hong, Moon Soo Choi, Young Man Lee
2013 Journal of the Korean Society of Safety  
This paper presents a study on the analyzing reliability of smoke fire detector using accelerated life test. In general, the smoke fire detector is broken by dust which flow in smoke detection chamber. In order to conduct accelerated life test of smoke fire detector dust is set accelerated factor in this paper. The dust is fly-ash which is test particle 5th regulated by KS A 0090. The dust accelerated level is 60 g, 180 g and 360 g and failure time is measured by smoke sensitivity testing. It
more » ... considered to failure of detector if detector don't operate within 30 secconds when subjected to an air stream having a velocity of 20 cm/s~40 cm/s containing smoke with a concentration of 15% of rate of lightresponse of 1 m. The goodness of fit test and mean life prediction conduct using the failure time. The result show that life distribution fits the weibull distribution for failure time data and the mean lifes calculate 22.5 year in domestic product and 14.7 years in overseas product applied dust stress only.
doi:10.14346/jkosos.2013.28.6.011 fatcat:ri6kbzgvereancwurxaie5kyuq