CHARACTERISTICS OF VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS EMISSIONS FROM SOLID BUILDING MATERIALS : Study on the effect of environmental conditions on emissions from materials Part 1
建材からの揮発性有機化合物の発生ガス特性 : 環境条件による発生ガスへの影響に関する研究 その1

Jun-seok PARK, Shuji FUJII
2000 Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)  
Many sources ofvo 圃 ] e organic compounds ( VOC )including smoking , cornbustion and building materia 】 shave been iden 哺 ed 正 n indoor virD m seve 面 s 加 di聡 . In this indoor VOC source , i器 ions恥 m building贓 e 巨団s have 比 oDme cu 飆 in 曲 , and several me 出 ods to evaluale omissions 丘 Dm mate 丙als have been developed . Charnber test method is used to evaluate emission rate efcompounds e 側 丘um m 鋤 田s , BLrt few have been made to cornprehend the effeet of envi nnienmi conditiens on emission rates
more » ... chamber test. 1面 sp 騨 , emissio 面 n 舳 鵬 v 血 yl wallpa 「 rcrs and tWe gypsum bOardS were examined by several ocmditions ofchamber . C 閃 unds emi 甘ed 丘um materials were amlyzed and dle山fluence on emlssions rates by enviK ) nmenta ]oondi 価ons , such as temperatUre , relative humidity , ventiladon 【 a 重 e and loading f 池 tor was evalua ! ed . And it is fbund 重 hat emission rates of ◎oml 沿 u皿 ds a爬 depended on environmental conditionli , and 出 e increasing oftemperatUle , re 】 ative humidi重 y and ventilaion rate of 山 e chamber accelerates emissions 魚〕mthe materials . B ause 出 e concent 顱 on difference of the charTiber was not la ∫g¢ under 血e experirnent condition , d】 e in 恥 ence on emissiens Tates by loading fagtor cou ] d not be evaluated .
doi:10.3130/aija.65.49_2 fatcat:sqdj3mmqrbc37hirida6lrfsju