Child's Target Height Prediction Evolution

João Rala Cordeiro, Octavian Postolache, João C. Ferreira
2019 Applied Sciences  
This study is a contribution for the improvement of healthcare in children and in society generally. This study aims to predict children's height when they become adults, also known as "target height", to allow for a better growth assessment and more personalized healthcare. The existing literature describes some existing prediction methods, based on longitudinal population studies and statistical techniques, which with few information resources, are able to produce acceptable results. The
more » ... enge of this study is in using a new approach based on machine learning to forecast the target height for children and (eventually) improve the existing height prediction accuracy. The goals of the study were achieved. The extreme gradient boosting regression (XGB) and light gradient boosting machine regression (LightGBM) algorithms achieved considerably better results on the height prediction. The developed model can be usefully applied by pediatricians and other clinical professionals in growth assessment.
doi:10.3390/app9245447 fatcat:a7w5nu4ybrgrjlo2mt44gfjwa4