Distribution Free Waves in Viscoelastic Wedge with an Arbitrary Angle Tops

Safarov Ismail Ibrahimovich, Teshaev Mukhsin Khudoyberdiyevich, Akhmedov Maqsud Sharipovich, Boltayev Zafar Ixtiyorovich
2017 Applied Mathematics  
In work questions of distribution of waves in a viscoelastic wedge with any corner of top is considered. The elastic cylinder with a radial crack is a wedge 180 ϕ <  corner. The regional task for system of the differential equations in private derivatives is decided by means of a method of straight lines that allows using a method of orthogonal prorace.
doi:10.4236/am.2017.85058 fatcat:tjk3dsmjxff4vnt4ouutamrd6a